Collegiate Career Assistance Program (CCAP)


Serving the next generation of real estate talent and firms.

Student Support is one of ACRE's guiding principles. The Collegiate Career Assistance Program (CCAP) represents the Center's platform for serving the next generation of real estate talent and the firms that provide experience and employment opportunities while benefiting in the process. 

For collegiate students interested in real estate, you will be able to embark on a process that delivers many career-related opportunities. You will need to be prepared to actively engage early during your undergraduate years. Start by exploring the types of careers within the real estate industry including necessary skillsets, personality traits, and the income potential typically associated with each career option. The process also includes learning about local markets that interest you and studying profiles of the nation's top performers under 30 in their respective fields along with connecting with recent graduates who've earned that first career break and are willing to give back to those coming behind them. Our goal for you is to be able to confidently share upon graduation - "I am career ready." During this period, you will become keenly aware of the career partners and resources available to you from real estate organizations representing virtually every discipline. You will learn to engage with the industry while in college by becoming a student member of one or more of these organizations that will literally open global networking and mentoring opportunities. Finally, this site is desired to provide both organic and convenient links to 3rd party career related placement sites. 

For employers, thank you in advance for sharing your career-related opportunities with students from across Alabama's collegiate landscape and beyond. This site includes resume/profiles of students who desire to enter the real estate workforce upon graduation. Your intern/permanent job opportunities will be broadcast to students from each participating university as shown below and others. 

To navigate the full CCAP menu, hover over the drop down menu located in the navigation bar above. 

Grayson Glaze CPM, CCIM
CCAP Vision Leadership
ACRE Executive Director