Collegiate Career Assistance Program (CCAP)


The Suitable App

Download the Suitable app on your phone to earn credit for participating in Academy events

If your major is housed within Culverhouse College of Business, you automatically have a Suitable account. Log in using your myBama credentials.

If your major is not within Culverhouse College of Business, email Lilly Beth Glenn to get your account set up. 

Complete requirements for events to earn points towards your Pathway Advantage badge. Upon completion of the badge requirements, you will receive a career development certificate.

Events will require one of the following:

  1. Scan QR code at an event to earn credit
  2. Upload a reflection after an event
  3. Upload proof of participation after an event


Point Requirements
Graduation Date Points Needed Due Date
May 2023 250 March 30, 2023
August 2023 250 July 31, 2023
December 2023 250 November 15, 2023
May 2024 250 March 30, 2024
August 2024 250 July 31, 2024
December 2024 250 November 15, 2024
May 2025 250 March 30, 2025